How to Prevent Police From Reading License Plates

Automatic License Plate Detection & Recognition using deep learning


Photograph past Evgeny Tchebotarev on Unsplash
          # First download Darknet projection
$ git clone
# in "darknet/Makefile" put affect 1 to OpenCV, CUDNN and GPU if you # want to train with you GPU then time thos two commands
$ cd darknet
$ make
# Load to change labels (xml files) into the advisable # format that darknet empathise and past it nether darknet/
# Unzip the dataset
$ unzip dataset.nada
# Create 2 folders, 1 for the images and the other for labels
$ mkdir darknet/images
$ mkdir darknet/labels
# Convert labels format and create files with location of images
# for the test and the training
$ python
# Create a folder under darknet/ that volition comprise your data
$ mkdir darknet/custom
# Move files railroad train.txt and exam.txt that contains information path to
# custom folder
$ mv train.txt custom/
$ mv test.txt custom/
# Create file to put licence plate class name "LP"
$ touch darknet/ custom/classes.names
$ repeat LP > classes.names
# Create Backup folder to save weights
$ mkdir custom/weights
# Create a file contains information virtually data and cfg
# files locations
$ bear upon darknet/custom/
# in darknet/custom/ file paste those informations
classes = 1
train = custom/railroad train.txt
valid = custom/examination.txt
names = custom/classes.names
backup = custom/weights/
# Copy and paste yolo config file in "darknet/custom"
$ cp darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg darknet/custom
# Open yolov3.cfg and change :
# " filters=(classes + v)*3" just the ones before "Yolo"
# in our case classes=1, then filters=18
# change classes=... to classes=ane
# Download pretrained model
$ wget -O ~/darknet/darknet53.conv.74
# Permit's railroad train our model !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$ ./darknet detector train custom/ custom/yolov3.cfg darknet53.conv.74
          python --image= image.jpg


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